The Internet Biz!!: December 2006
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Location: bedok, Singapore, Singapore

I strongly believe in residual income and not working my whole life from 8 to 5. Therefore i always look for ways and means to earn $ and the internet is really one big tool for us. My Goals for 2007 To help 20 Singaporean get started with Google Adsense and to help them to earn US100 each by this yr. To set up my own .com website and be rank at least top 10 in Google and Yahoo search Engines. To achieve an affiliate sales of US$1000 ( The Ebook that i give out FREE by Ewen Chia says 30 days, so i guess i aint asking for too much)

Saturday, 2 December 2006

Doctor Mike Woo Ming- Adsense Guru!

About Dr Mike, he is doctor by profession and he made over in excess USD$230,000 from just a few website that he does through Adsense!

What have i learn from him in his preview that i attended a few months back?

1. Content is King in Adsense
Regardless of which guru tell you about Adsense they all say the same thing which is Good Quality Targeted Niche Content is the key to Adsense.
By writing good quality content you can attract visitor to your site more and also it will allow a viral effect to have other promoting about your website.

2. Blogging is the No.1 way to Generate Awarness online
Dr Mike actually talk about how simple it is to create a blog and generate free traffic to your site instantly by just setting up a blog site.
To setup a blog site you can simply go to to sign up a free account and start a blog today!
Why blog you say? 1st it’s gives a personel touch to your visitors and they can get targeted content or what they want when you post target quality content on your blog. Visitor will keep on coming back because of the information you share on your blog.

I will explain more stuff on what I learn on Dr Mike in the next article that I will post soon which I cover more in depth what are the secrets he did that made him so much money!

Stay Tuned!!

(data provided from TheInternetBiz)

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